Ready to Pay Retainer?
All services come down to the We Accept Retainer Payments AFTER we discuss your case. We understand that hiring a Private Investigative Agency can be pricey at times. There is a lot of competition out there between PIs, while some may advertise lower rates than others, don't be fooled by smoke and mirrors. We suggest you don't allow lack of finances damage due diligence in your case. Hire a professional such as EVI, not a cheap investigator who just wants your money.
We strive to accommodate all potential clients. If your case involves missing children or rare circumstances and you have no significant source of income, then contact us to apply for a Pro Bono or flat rate case. Otherwise schedule a consult to PAY RETAINER.
We offer a free 10-minute phone consultation during regular business hours at (386) 761-5540. If you can't talk between those hours, fill out our easy, confidential Request FREE Consultation Form NOW! and we will schedule your consultation at a time that works for you. Please note: we don't take cases from clients who only email. We must talk on the phone first, then decide the course of action. Once you sign a Professional Services Contract and we've received all paperwork signed and a retainer, then we will schedule your case. Some cases we don't work unless you have an attorney on record. If you are ready to explain your case in more details, fill out this form.
Retainer Policy & Legal Policy: Client understands that this Agency will conduct the investigation within the limits of the law regulated by FDACS and within the boundaries of Chapter 493, Florida Statutes (F.S.). Client will sign a contract for services defining terms.
Call 386-761-5540 to schedule a free consultation with a PI.
Copyright © 2004-2025 Evidence Video Investigations Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Florida Private Investigator License #A2400305
Evidence Video Investigations Inc. 386-761-5540